Podcast Episode 73: What's New in Customer Service blog customer service direct care way podcast direct specialty care dsc Jul 04, 2023

Listen here The Direct Care Way

This episode will help you stay updated on what's new in customer service, including strategies for effectively utilizing social media and attracting new patients.


Dr. T 0:52
Hey, there, I wanted to share a couple of new trends in customer service. But ...

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Podcast Episode 72: How many failures to success? blog direct care way podcast direct primary care direct specialty care dsc Jun 27, 2023

Listen here The Direct Care Way

In this episode, I will discuss the number of failures you may encounter before achieving success.


Dr. T 0:52
Nobody wants to talk about failure how normal it is to fail, especially in medicine. I've talked previously about what it means to fail, and ho...

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Podcast Episode 71: Membership vs Fee for Service blog direct care way podcast direct primary care direct specialty care dsc Jun 20, 2023

Listen here The Direct Care Way

This episode will help you in determining which one is more suitable for you: opting for a monthly membership, a fee-for-service model, or a combination of both.


Dr. T 0:52
What are we doing here on this episode? Today, I want to focus more on the pract...

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Podcast Episode 70: Dr. Tay Sha Howell Direct Wound Care & Consulting blog direct care way podcast direct specialty care dsc wound care Jun 12, 2023

ListenĀ here The Direct Care Way

Ways to connect with Dr. Tay Sha Howell
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/tay-sha-howell-md-b95583a5
Website:Ā  https://www.directwoundcare.net


Dr. T 0:52
So today, I want to welcome Dr. Taysha Howell, she is the founder and CEO of Direct Wound Care and Consulting...

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Podcast Episode 69: Negative Online Reviews...Hooray! blog direct care way podcast direct specialty care dsc hipaa Jun 06, 2023

ListenĀ here The Direct Care Way

What should you do when you receive a negative review online?


Dr. T 0:53
She's a scam, I just got a negative online review. So let's talk about it. If you're going to have a business, and negative online review is inevitable. The probability of you gett...

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Today's Thoughts business direct care podiatry direct specialty care emotional intelligence Apr 12, 2023

A note from a patient went like this...

"I know youā€™re one of the best doctors in this field, so Iā€™ll see you when I have some extra money."

You know this kills me, right? I want to help as many people as I can. If I was salaried, this would have not been an issue. I'd never have to think about busine...

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No Biller Needed in Direct Care billing direct specialty care Apr 04, 2023

It's not uncommon to find complaints about a billing company that under delivers their promise to clients in getting them paid on time (or on a predictable schedule since it's rare in the insurance world to get paid the same day), controlling the accounts receivable, and following up on claim denial...

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Why Are Doctors Opting Out of Insurance? opting out Mar 28, 2023

There are many reasons why a doctor chooses to opt out insurance. Here are a few:

  1. Reimbursement Rates: Insurance companies may not reimburse physicians adequately for their services. As a result, some doctors may choose to opt-out of insurance and charge patients directly in order to receive fa

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DPC vs DSC: How are they different? Feb 18, 2023

When I first learned about Direct Primary Care (DPC) the movement away from insurance with the alternative low monthly membership option, I was completely fascinated. I was excited that doctors are taking back controlĀ of their practice and offering a reasonable costĀ whileĀ still able to makeĀ the inco...

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High Deductibles is Being Effectively Uninsured deductible dpc dsc insurance Jan 10, 2023

The first time IĀ read on LinkedIn, "if you have a high deductible insurance, you are effectively uninsured..." I had to think twice about what theĀ authorĀ was saying. Here's what I gathered:

- if you have private insurance, a high deductible means you have to pay that amount before the benefits of t...

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Benefits to Direct Care Podiatry dsc Sep 03, 2022

ThisĀ article was originally published on SoMeDoc on Sept 3, 2022.

When people hear out-of-network care, some might freak out.

The thought of having to pay additional out of pocket expenses for medical care is a contentious one. Those who pay into private health insurance are paying on average $500...

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Not Ready? Watch this Free Webinar

Direct Care is the ticket to the work-life balance that you're craving.

Watch this free pre-recorded webinar to learn how to let go of the stress of insurance and experience freedom with Direct Care.